Sabtu, 16 Julai 2011

computer tips(mcm menarik)

‎’Enter’ the masjid,
‘Forward’ your solat,
‘Download’ pahala,
‘Firewall’ your iman,
‘Backspace’ from syaitan,
‘Bookmark’ to ALLAH SWT,
‎’Delete’ ALLAH’s enemies,
‘Copy paste’ from the Al-Qur’an and Sunnah,
‘Help’ your muslim brothers n sisters,
‘File’ your amal,
‘Edit’ your akhlaq
‘View’ your good and bad deeds,
‘Search’ the straight and right path,
And InsyaALLAH you will never get

p/s:dah xsmpai sbulan nk masuk bln ramadhan..smoga ramadhan kali ini penuh makna..
y paling best,dpt berpuasa kat rumah,bersama-sama keluarga tercinta
manfaatkn ia dengan sebaiknya..susah nk dpt pluang cuti lama2 mcm ni..happy!!

I'm in love With 'mr.chicken soup'.

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